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Become a Program Partner

Seriously ill patients should not experience anxiety related to their pets' wellbeing.

Pet Peace of Mind is working to eliminate that worry.

Pet Peace of Mind believes that pets are family. Sometimes a much beloved pet is the most important source of companionship for seriously ill patients. As their illness progresses, most pet-owning patients need help with pet care to ensure the bond can continue. Almost all of them are very concerned about what will happen to their pets after they pass.

We invite you to become part of the solution.

Join over 250 hospices, healthcare agencies, and hospitals providing pet care assistance for their patients.

Our program helps you launch a fully tested volunteer driven program to help your patients maintain the bond with their pets. We provide a mature program model covering everything you need to get started including manuals and documents, personalized training for you, materials you can use for staff and volunteer training, marketing materials, and plenty of ongoing coaching once your program is operational.

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Watch this video to see how Pet Peace of Mind changes the end-of-life experience for your patients with pets.
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