His Pet Peace of Mind assignment brought him into the lives of Savannah, Harry, and Rita Weishaar. As Harry’s illness progressed, his wife Rita grew increasingly busy with his care and felt unable to leave him for any period of time. Their dog Savannah was used to getting a lot of exercise and Rita knew Savannah wasn’t getting all the exercise she wanted or needed. Enter superstar volunteer, Jake Bohannan.
“It’s just unbelievable to have a volunteer who gives his time to walk our dog. Hospice does so much to take care of my husband Harry and support me as a caregiver. Now, they’re taking care of our dog, too! Harry has been very worried about the impact of his illness on our dog Savannah. They’re very close and enjoyed their long walks every day before he became so ill. Since I can’t leave my husband for long periods, Savannah’s walks have become very brief,” shared Rita Weishaar. “A very special person named Jake comes to help. He greets Savannah, showers her with attention and makes her feel special. Then, he takes her for a long, leisurely walk. So, for a little while, her routine becomes normal again. What more could we ask for?”
Jake is delighted to be able to help. “I have a pet myself and know that they are members of the family, too. Losing the ability to walk them or take them to the groomer can be heartbreaking. I love knowing that I can put their minds at ease by doing these little things,” explained Jake.
Rita added, “This is such a wonderful program. Who would have thought this was possible? We have this wonderful dog who loves my husband and is experiencing this journey with us. It brings such relief to us to know that Savannah has the attention she deserves.”
If you are interested in volunteering for Pet Peace of Mind, send an email to info@petpeaceofmind.org.